take a look at your belongings.
set them out in front of you.
now, pick out each item that you do not NEED.
now, pick out each item that you barely USE.
take those items, put them in a bag and donate them.
if they are broken, throw them away.
now, take a look at what's left.
cut that pile in half now, and repeat the steps above.
by now, you should only see items that you NEED in front of you.
do not buy any more than what you NEED.
only buy what you will USE.
and do not bow down to temptations.
live simply and make each day meaningful.
.....if only it was that easy!
i do wish that the world wouldn't keep moving forward in the technology field. or at least, not so rapidly. if you go to a park where children should be playing, you will instead see children sitting down staring at their iphones. many schools only accept work that has been typed, not hand written. and people are so focused on spending their days in front of their computers that they forget to go outside and do something.
maybe you don't have to throw away 75% of what you own..but you should definitely focus on living a more simple life. everyone should.