for the past few weeks, i've had nothing but nightmares. i'm not sure why, but i have. last night, i had a strange dream.
in it, i had gotten a few surgeries over a period of time- something to do with my boobs (not sure what), a foot surgery to correct damage from dancing, and another surgery somewhere else (i forget - in my dream, i didn't go through the operations, i just knew that they had happened). anyway, all of my surgery sites had become itchy and infected.
we were stuck in a house where these people were trying to find and kill us. it was michael, joey, me and these twin girls that i babysit. we ended up in this basement area and we broke out of a window. first, we lifted the twins out of the window and told them to run, then i hopped out followed by joey, then michael. michael, joey and i started running down the street as fast as we could, but the twins were playing in the front yard. i yelled for them to hurry and run away, but it was too late and an evil woman from the house took them away. we continued to run and run and run, until we were sitting in front of the police department. i was still itchy and in pain. michael then admitted that he had performed all of the surgeries with joey as his assistant. he said that they had no idea what they were doing and they were very sorry, and that i should probably go to a real hospital to get everything fixed. i was beyond angry, so i told the police what happened. michael and joey ended up getting arrested and were sitting in the back of the police car. i was able to sit in the front seat with the sergeant who was driving us to the jail so they could be booked. i was infuriated until i realized what was actually happening. michael was going to jail! and he's psycho for what he had done! what was i going to do? all of this time i had thought he was normal, loving and caring. i can't live with him anymore...or can i? i became very upset in my dream. what was i going to do?
the police car pulled up to the jail, and everyone got in a line. i was still standing with joey and michael. joey touched my shoulder and said sorry, which angered me again and i screamed at him, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!!!" i was angry, then sad, angry, then sad. joey apologized and backed off a little bit.
i hugged michael and cried. i asked him what was going to happen & he said that when he got out of jail he wanted to live with me still & that he'd never do anything wrong again. & he was so nice and warm that i couldn't believe that he had actually done what he had done.
and then i woke up.
WHAT? my brain is so freaking weird. if you're reading this & you know how to decode dreams or whatever, let me know! i want to have happy dreams now, please and thanks.