Friday, April 23, 2010

t minus 3 days

until we leave for disneyland.

michael and i house-sit for uncle shaun and aunt michelle this weekend. i always like house-sitting for's fun to live in someone elses' house for a few days. then when you go back to your own house, you appreciate it a little bit more.

i wish catherine lived in the bay area. we went to berkeley together the other day and it was great. nothing like walking amongst the certifiably insane and hardcore homeless with your best friend.

oh, and kurby went to a psychic yesterday & the psychic told her that i am a good friend to keep around and that she shouldn't let me go. maybe all psychics aren't full of BS. she also told kurby that she is going to die when she's 98, she needs work to her full potential in school and she should do yoga. i wouldn't want to know when i'm going to die. if i were kurby, i'd have one kick ass birthday party when i turn 98. i'd go out in style :D

also, i want to write a formal essay. is that strange? i think it is. i need a good topic to write on! i don't think anyone reads my blogs anymore...but, dearest stranger, if you happen to be reading this...leave me a comment with an essay topic? ha....awkward. :D

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