Tuesday, December 28, 2010

early in the morning
as my heels hit the pavement,
the icy wind blows leaves across the sky,
and my hair across my eyes.
and the leaves are yellow,red,and green
but in the dark, they can't be seen.
only tiny silhouettes, floating by
shadows dance down the street
and i hear nothing but my own feet.

the town is sleeping, warm in their beds
while i march down the sidewalk, hood on my head
traffic lights flash but there are no cars to be stopped
the fog sinks down to every roof top.

and i think of you, warm and at rest
and i wish i could be home too, snuggled up to your chest.
but i'll come home soon,
four and a half hours past noon
and my heels will hit the pavement fast and hard,
until i'm at home, back in your arms.

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