Tuesday, May 11, 2010

another long day

the days keep getting longer. i wake up earlier, i stay up later. and all through out, i rest only momentarily.


not gone. yet.

"youth is wasted on the young."

well, i guess. but when i compare myself to other people my age, it seems like they're doing a fine job of being young. it's just that, i'm not. youth is wasted on me. i'm so busy all of the time and so much is happening around me and there are so many people to please. so many things. at some point in your life, you must learn the value of a dollar. and that's a hard lesson to learn. it goes like this...you get your paycheck. go grocery shopping. get gas. pay bills. sudden realization that, "oh shit! i just got my paycheck yesterday and i'm already broke again." you gotta find a way though. unless you want to just kick it out on the street and stuff.

i'm going to work again todaaay. and then after, aunt michelle and uncle shaun's house to work on michael's resume some. and then after that, the gym. and then after that, sleeping. wake up. repeat!

repetition! repetition!

spontaneity is what i prefer. spontaneity is what i crave.

and here i sit, cozy in my jammies on a beautiful morning in a warm, clean house.
and there my work clothes sit, folded neatly into squares, shirt stacked on top of pants, jewelry lying on top of shirt.
i wish i could put those clothes back in the drawers they belong in, and put myself back in the bed i belong in.

it's just another long day.

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