Wednesday, July 7, 2010


who is my hero? i have a few.
my family, of course
but that, you already knew.
my friends, yes
they are always perfect, and never anything less.
i have strong people in my life.
successful people.
happy people.
old people.
young people.
all of them are heroes to me, in some form.
the soldiers, police men and firemen, everyone dressed in uniforms.
and then,

there's me.
i am my own hero,
and that's how it has to be.
the world gets cold sometimes, you know
and people aren't always there.
sometimes people stab knives into your spine, you see
and sometimes they break your heart.
and when they do, i can always count on me
i can pick myself up, brush myself off and restart.

i am my own hero. and i am proud of myself.

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