Monday, December 28, 2009


another year is ending. in four days, it will no longer be the year 2009 and we will have to leave behind us everything that happened. except, we'll take our memories with us into 2010. i don't know what to say about this year. what can i say? it had its ups and its downs, as all things do. i don't remember much from the beginning of the year, besides february 13. that was the one year anniversary of scott's death. and shit...soon, it'll be two years. and then, of course i was finishing up my senior year in high school. i was so busy, but i had some good times. finals came and went, and then graduation...i remember standing in the quad, getting ready to line up and march into the gym before our families and closest friends and become adults. and become freed of that school. meh. i moved into my apartment with michael two weeks before graduation. kurby visited from new jersey. we got a kitten. we named her coraline. over the summer, kurby moved back to california. michael got his band, a contorted smile, together. i quit my awful retail job at gymboree, with no notice...because that's what they deserve. and got hired at city hall. and then,

and then,
and then,
well. that's actually just about everything...and that's a lie. because there is so much more that happened this year that isn't coming to mind right now.
but so much happened this year! i gained much, i lost some, and now the year is coming to a dreary close. and there's this little light of hope shining in my mind! what does 2010 have in store for me? what disaster will strike? what wonderful blessing will i receive? so much can happen in a year. and there is much to anticipate in the coming of a new year.

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