Wednesday, December 16, 2009

good morning.

mediocre morning. :]

i didn't want to get out of bed today. i was so warm & cozy in my bed and the air around me was so fucking ARCTIC. i wasn't feeling it. so i re-set my alarm clock & went back to sleep. i got up 45 minutes later. my nana has this painting in her house that has a girl sitting at a table looking sleepy & it says, "some days it just doesn't pay to get up." and that's sooo true some days. but not for this day because i have to get up to go to work. today, it pays to get up...even if getting up seems like more trouble than it's worth.

it was raining earlier but it stopped. that's good because i'm walking to work. work. uhhhg. i like my job! wait, scratch that. i LOVE my job. why wouldn't i? but sometimes it's so boring that i want to scrape my eyes out with a rusty spoon just so i can entertain myself for a quick minute. i think that'll change eventually though. probably in 2010.

siiiiiiirens! i hear them all the time. they make you wonder: who called for their assistance? is someone hurt? is someone dying? is someone holding their family at gun point? did someone steal something? what the fuck is going on?


i ramble.

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