Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"signed, sincerely, me."

if you were here, this probably wouldn't be happening. if you were here, and this was happening, you'd be so ashamed. and sad. and surprised. and disappointed. because it's stupid.

i miss your warmth. your flannel jackets and khaki shorts, long holey socks and beat-up baseball cap. i miss your hugs. your smiles. the meals that you made. the memories you created with me, and with everyone else you encountered. but maybe i should stop dwelling in the past so much. maybe i should accept that you're gone. really gone. because even still, almost two years later, i feel like calling you. but i know that if i dialed your number, i would not hear your voice on the line. i miss your voice too. and your big laugh. i even miss your annoying habits! because even though you drove me insane sometimes, at least you drove me. somewhere. somehow. but you still do. drive me, i mean. the memories i carry of you inspire me & push me to be the best i can possibly be. and i talk to you a lot in my head...i hope that you can hear the things i say to you!

i don't know when i'll ever get over your death. or if i will at all. some pains, you learn to deal with. but some pains never fade. & this pain doesn't seem to be fading anymore. in a way, i'm grateful for the pain. because the pain reminds me of you, and of everything. the pain tells me, "yeah, this is real. that actually happened. you lived through it." & it can be comforting, as weird as that sounds.

so don't worry if i sob into my pillow sometimes. i'm okay. i just miss you terribly.

all my love,

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