she says, "i have something wonderful to tell you!"
he says, "that's fantastic, and i don't want to rain on your parade, but..."
"but what?", she says.
"but...i break promises all the time, and this time is no different. you're on your own, kid. the world is big and the world is tough - and i, i am the opposite. i am weak and i am small. i am not an apple in anyone's eye. i am bitter and angry. and you, you're all alone now just have to figure it out as you day you'll thank me," he says.
and then she says, "but i am not alone, and i never will be. one day i will thank you, you say? the sun will never rise on that day, so don't wait around for it. i'll give you an ultimatum : either support me and my decisions in life or get the fuck out of my life. you decide."
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