i guess that'd be me.
i feel so left out. of everything. and you seem angry at me, and i don't understand why. i'm doing everything i can to help you. i've prepared games for your party. i spent my own money (which i don't have much of) on dumb clothes pins for a game that no one cares about...and then i spent my afternoon painting them pink for you.
i wasn't even invited to half the stuff the other bridesmaids went to...because i live two hours away, i guess? i don't know. but it really hurts my feelings. i'm your best friend...but you're not treating me like it. but here i am, bending over backwards to make you smile..because it's your time to shine, and i want that day, and every day leading up to it, to be special. i care about you. i just wish that i could be included a little bit more. i don't understand.
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