sometimes it takes a tragedy to make one realize how fortunate they are. a tragedy such as the earthquake that wreaked havoc in haiti. it is difficult to look at the photographs and videos of what haiti has become...
but we must look.
we must see the other side of the coin. we must open our eyes to the world and see what is really happening! people are dead. more people are dying. children have lost parents and are now alone in the world. people are starving. many people don't have houses or beds to rest in. haiti is not in good shape right now.
and here i sit on my laptop, in a warm house, wearing clean clothes, my stomach full and my body rested. what makes me so lucky? chance, i suppose. i could have been born to a family in haiti, and i could have been in haiti when that earthquake struck. and i could have been dead. but i got lucky, i guess. it is too easy to forget how fortunate we really are. people get so upset over little things without realizing how much worse off they could be.
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