Tuesday, January 5, 2010

today, kurby said that my middle name is "awkward"

& kurby is right.
why do awkward situations follow me? hahaha i am an awkward-magnet...but i guess i'm cool with that. maybe all these "awkward" situations are really normal, and i just overreact and make them awkward for myself. maybe. my friends understand me though. and they understand my awkward situations. and with my friends, i can easily laugh at all those awkward situations i experience. and they make good stories, anyways.

so maybe it's some sort of blessing in disguise. what an odd blessing though.

i am misunderstood by most. but most people don't matter to me. i am understood by my friends, and i understand them. and we can be misunderstood together. that's how we roll. that's how we've always rolled. and if you don't like us, or if you think that we're weird, then don't listen to us. don't look at us. pretend we don't exist because it won't bother us one bit.

"when have you ever conformed to what other people in your age group were doing?" -kurby (about troubles i was having with a "friend")

well, kurby, i can't recall too many times. and that's alright with me. i might be different, and i might be a fuck up, but i am loved.

and life is okay (even though it's awkward sometimes) :]

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