Saturday, January 23, 2010

happy camper!

so, it seems like i write a lot of pessimistic stuff in this blog. if someone who didn't know me decided to read my blogs, they'd think i was some sort of a suicide-case or something. ha. that's not the all. :] i am one happy camper...camping in the fucking woods of life. hahahaha. i have my warm sleeping bag, my fire-pit (& an ax for chopping wood for the fire), and a big comfortable tent. of course, sometimes it rains and everything gets all cold and soggy...and sometimes it gets so cloudy that i can't see the painting of stars above my head, and that makes me sad. but in the back of my mind, behind my weeping eyes, i know that i'll see the millions of twinkling stars again, if i give it another night or two. but the nights never get too dark, regardless. and usually, the morning comes quickly and i roll out of my sleeping bag, unzip my tent and let the fresh, cold air sting my warm skin. and i'm awake. and i live. and i'm happy. as happy as a camper could be.

i just tend to write during the long, starless nights.

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