i guess this is where i make a resolution that i may or may not keep. i'll do my best to keep my resolution past next week, because usually i forget about it in no time. but first, i have to think of one. i have a lot i can improve on, of course..but i need to take some baby steps to get the ball rolling.
i need to learn how to let go. let go of the past. let go of unnecessary stress. let go of worries for the future and just let it happen. just let go...because once i let go of any toxic shit in my life, a big burden will be lifted off of my shoulders. why should you walk around your entire life carrying extra baggage and having bad feelings weigh you down. how will you learn to run in life if all those heavy emotions are pushing down on you, making you move at a slow crawl? so,that's definitely one. i need to mend (or maybe even end) some friendships this year.
i need to do what i want to do! NOT what everyone else wants me to do. i shouldn't give a shit about what certain family members or friends think about me. because this is my life to live, not theres. they can judge their own lifes and leave me to judge mine. because if i'm not harming myself or someone else, it's okay. i make mistakes..but that's how you learn. and i need to do what i want to do and be true to myself so that i will never regret wasting my youth.it's a preventative measure, you see. when you're young, you're supposed to fuck up a little bit...and sometimes,you have to fuck up big time. and that's how you learn and grow. and then you can be an adult, and you can be wise. wise from experience, not just from word of mouth. this year, i'm gonna do me 100%. the people who really love and appreciate me will continue to do so, and they will be happy for me. this year, i will weed out untrue friends.
and on a less heavy note, i'd like to learn how to sing a little better. just because! :]
LET'S GO, 2010. i am ready for some change.
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